References on Noise Pollution
enHealth Council - THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE - OTHER THAN HEARING LOSS. Report for the enHealth Council by the New South Wales Health Department, 2004.
World Health Organisation - Guidelines for Community Noise.� World Health Organization 1999.
Australian Acoustical Association' s (AAA) five-star rating system for apartments - Noise between apartments is one of the most common reasons for disputes between neighbours. In the interest of building better communities, house buyers are entitled to know how good the sound insulation is in the building into which they are buying. The Australian Acoustical Association has established a five-star rating system for apartments (often used to help sell up-market apartments).
New Parallel Runway Project (Brisbane) - Here is an excellent summary, and quotable research on the adverse health effects of noise. It gets to the crux of the matter and provides ready information all to be found in the one file.